Formatting text one paragraph or section at a time can be a labor-intensive process. But creating a customized Style Sheet can give you the power to quickly format entire documents, presentations, or spreadsheets at once. In this article we’ll show you how to create and use Customizable Styles, making it possible for you to re-use font, paragraph, layout and other settings across multiple projects. You’ll also learn how to save these Customizable Styles as a template that you can load with just one click.
The Customizable Styles you create are saved in the Manage Styles sidebar, accessible by pressing F11 or going to Tools > Styles. To create a new style, select the type of formatting you want to apply in the list of presets, then customize its attributes by clicking on the pencil icon or selecting Edit style from the drop-down menu. The name you choose for the style appears under the Custom banner next to the Built-in styles in the sidebar.
Once a style is created, it can be loaded with just a click in any document. If you want to use the custom style as a default for all your documents, right-click on the style in the Styles gallery and select Modify. Then, click the checkbox that says “New documents based on this template” at the bottom of the dialog box.
You can also modify the name of the style, and you can delete it by clicking Delete at the top of the Manage Styles sidebar. If you want to revert back to the version of the style that was previously published, select Restore at the bottom of the Version History pane.
When you create a Customizable Style, it is made available to the elements in the WYSIWYG editor as both an element style and an inline span. You can then select the Customizable Style when you add an element to your Layout canvas, and the corresponding formatting is applied.
If you create a Customizable Style that you later want to use in another project, you can duplicate the style by selecting Duplicate in the Manage Styles sidebar and then editing its attributes as needed. You can rename the duplicated style and make changes to any map IDs it contains. Once you have finished, you can re-publish the style.
Note: When you change the attributes of a Customizable Style, any dated Draft or Published versions of the style are updated to reflect the changes. If the modified style is identical to a previous published style, however, you will not be able to publish it.
You can also create a Capture One style from a previous image, which is helpful for keeping a collection of easily-applicable adjustments that you can apply to images in the future. When you create a Capture One style, you’ll be prompted to uncheck any adjustments that are image-specific and wouldn’t work well as a generic style. This can help prevent unnecessary rerendering of the image when you apply the style to other images.